Started up an etsy shop this spring.
I have a deep seeded love for all things vintage. It probably come from long summer days spent with my two great aunts. They are the first ones who opened the door to the world of sewing. They used to make me practice on face cloths and socks, until I could move on to more complicated projects. Embroidery and hooking rugs were two of my favorites. I could spend hours with them listening to AM radio and sewing my heart away. They used to tell me I had an old soul.
Teenage years hit and it was totally un-cool to sew. I fell out of it until my 20's when a
friend of mine awoke the sewing bug. She helped me make curtains for my new apartment and taught me the basics of how to use a sewing machine. My husband bought me a sewing machine for Christmas that year and the rest is history.
After my daughter started school this year I decided that my "me" time could be productive. And started up my etsy shop. I try to use vintage fabrics when ever I can..... although I am obsessed with
repro depot. I feel by using vintage fabric it lessens my eco impact and makes my products earth friendly.